Archive for MVP

Download Microsoft Office 2013 from Office 365

imageMicrosoft Office 365 makes available the most recent version of the Office software for licensed users to download. In this case that would be Office 2016.

But for any number of reasons, there are still cases where someone may need Office 2013. Up until March 1, 2017, Office 2013 was easily available through O365.

Now that we are pass that deadline, the question is: Can we still download Office 2013 for our O365 account users. And the answer is: YES!!!!

My good MVP buddy, Boon Tee, recently posted directions (click here) on where one can still download Office 2013 from Office 365.

Awarded MVP for 2016 (13th year)

imageYea!!!    I received my official announcement from Microsoft today that I was awarded as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 2016.

This is my 13th consecutive year as an MVP. I still consider it a great honor to be involved with the MVP organization, and especially working with the Server sub-group team that I have been a part of for all these years.


When I was first recognized as an MVP back in 2004, the group I was part of was named “Windows Small Business Server” (SBS). Then in 2013 our group was renamed “Windows Server for Small & Medium Business” (WSSMB). In October 2015, we became part of the new “Cloud and Datacenter Management” MVP group.

The name change reflects the evolving nature of server technology and how it is used and implemented in businesses. What doesn’t change is our call to inspire and help people solve problems and discover new capabilities.

Happy New Years!

MVP Summit 2015 Wrap-Up

I returned home Thursday evening from this year’s Microsoft MVP Summit in Bellevue WA. Due to non-disclosure agreements, I am not allowed to go into detail about what was presented or discussed. But I can tell you it was a great opportunity to meet with Microsoft product teams and spend time talking with fellow MVP’ers, some whom I have known for 12 years or longer.

My MVP designation is for Windows Server Small and Medium Businesses (WSSMB), so most of my attention was focused on server related topics. But I also had opportunities to learn more about Windows 10, Office, and the new Surface Book that was just released in October.

The weather was a mix of rain, clouds  and some sunshine. In Florida we do not really experience the changing colors of the seasons, so it was very enjoyable to see the yellow and red and orange colors in the trees while walking around the Microsoft Campus.


On a travel note, I was able to fly Alaska Airlines which now has a non-stop flight from Tampa to Seattle – less than 6 hours. Yea!!! The flight on Sunday left Tampa at 6:10pm and landed in Seattle at 9:25pm (which is after midnight Tampa time). The return flight left Seattle at 8:40am, and arrived in Tampa at 5:09pm.

Attending Microsoft Global MVP Summit 2015

I will be attending the Microsoft MVP Global Summit from November 1-5, 2015. This will be my 12th Summit, and I look forward to renewing contacts with other MVPs, as well as Microsoft product managers, and to provide feedback on Microsoft products and technologies.

Details as to what will be presented and discussed is under strict NDA (non-disclosure agreement), so I cannot share any such information. More later!

Ransomware Still Causing Havoc

Nearly two years ago (October 2013) I wrote a blog post titled “Beware Cryptolocker Malware Madness”, a warning about a new strain of ransomware called “Cryptolocker”.  At that time, I immediately implemented new protection software and strengthened security policies on the servers and workstations that I manage.

The Detroit Free Press recently ran an updated article about ransomware attacks on computers:


During these past two year, there have been several new variations of this malware threat. It has found its way into home computers as well as multi-national companies. Unfortunately, it is not easily detected by security or anti-virus programs. I have had to cleanup a ransomware attack only three times. In all three cases, we had backups available to restore those files that had been encrypted.

When a computer has been attacked, the virus begins to put a highly secured password on all your files. Suddenly, you find that you cannot open up letters, pictures, spreadsheets, as well as data files (Quicken, QuickBooks, etc.). And, if your computer is on a home or business local network, this ransomware can quickly spread to other computers or servers.

The reason it is called “ransomware” is because you generally have 72 hours to pay their ransom, which can range from $200 to thousands of dollars, to unlock your files. Unless you have a backup of those files, you either pay the ransom or lose those files for good.

In the near future I will be communicating with my clients on additional security precautions I will be recommending to minimize the threat and damage caused by this malware.

12th Year as a Microsoft MVP

New Year’s arrived this morning with an email from Microsoft announcing that I have received the 2015 Microsoft MVP award for Small & Medium Businesses. This is my 12th consecutive year to receive this honor.

Dear Kevin Weilbacher,
Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2015 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in Windows Server for Small and Medium Business technical communities during the past year.

Microsoft MVP Banner

2014 MVP Global Summit

This is my 11th year as a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for the Windows Server Small & Medium Business group. Microsoft is hosting our annual conference for MVPs worldwide this week. I arrived into Seattle on Sunday afternoon, and that evening our group gathered for a great dinner and reception at Daniel’s Broiler located on the 21st floor of the Bank of America building in Bellevue.

Here’s a group photo from this event (I’m 7th from the right)


MVP Roadshow in Tampa

On Monday Sept. 22, 2014, Microsoft and Microsoft MVPs will be sponsoring a half day free seminar entitled “Transforming the Datacenter MVP Roadshow” at the Microsoft Office in Tampa Florida.

Transform the Datacenter MVP Roadshow

But don’t let the title dissuade you from attending. Topics for this session will include:

  • Migrating from Windows Server 2003
  • Comparing public, private and hybrid cloud approaches
  • New features in Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Understanding Microsoft Azure service offerings
  • Getting started with moving data, apps and services to the cloud
  • And much more!

We know that you have busy schedules, and so we have planned this morning’s event to be packed full of information. We will start with breakfast at 9am, with three sessions, followed by lunch during a final Q&A session. We plan to have things wrapped up by 1:15pm.

Register for the event now! and read more details on this free seminar.
Please note: when registering, you can skip the field labeled invitation referral code.

  • Date: Monday September 22, 2014
  • Time: 9am to 1:15pm
  • Location: Microsoft Office. 5426 Bay Center Dr, Suite 700, Tampa FL 33609

Fix for Windows Server Essentials 2012R2 and Multi-DC released

Microsoft released an update (KB 2974308) today to address the issue where integrating Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 with Microsoft Office 365 or Windows Azure Active Directory is blocked when you are in a multiple domain controller environment.

Until now, you could only integrate Windows Server Essentials with O365/Azure AD in a single domain controller environment.


Attempting to run the integration in a multiple DC environment would fail:


I’m proud of the work that our MVP group did in identifying this issue soon after the release of Essentials 2012 R2 last year.

Received 2014 Microsoft MVP Award

I just received the following email from Microsoft this New Year’s Day morning:

Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2014 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in Windows Server for Small and Medium Business technical communities during the past year.

The Microsoft MVP Award provides us the unique opportunity to celebrate and honor your significant contributions and say “Thank you for your technical leadership.”

At Microsoft, we believe that technical communities enhance people’s lives and the industry’s success because independent experts, like you, help others extract greater value from products and technologies through the free and objective exchange of knowledge. As a Microsoft MVP, you are part of a highly select group of experts that represent technology’s best and brightest who share a deep commitment to community and a willingness to help others.
On behalf of everyone at Microsoft, thank you for your contributions to technical communities.


Microsoft Director, Community Engagement
Microsoft Community Program Manager