Windows 10 New Feature Changes Your Default Printer to the Last Printer Used

Thanks to my pal, Handy Andy, I found out that the November 2015 updates to Windows 10 introduced a new feature that will automatically set the last used printer as your new default printer.

Now, if you only have one printer configured on your computer, you can skip this post. But, most people will have several printer devices, from real printers to PDF-type printers.

Fortunately, this option can be easily disabled following these steps:

  1. Click on Windows icon (lower left) then click Settings
  2. From the Settings window, click Devices
  3. From the Devices window, click Printers & scanners
  4. From the Printers & scanners window, scroll down and locate the section Let Windows manage my default printer
  5. You can click on the toggle button to turn the option on or on, as desired.

Step 1 / 2 / 3:

image  image  image

Steps 4 / 5:


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