Archive for News – Page 2

Ballmer to Retire from Microsoft

Steve Ballmer, in an internal letter to Microsoft employees, announced his plans to retire as CEO of Microsoft within the next 12 months. This letter was posted to the Microsoft News Center today (August 23, 2013).

Steve has been the target of a lot of kudos and bashing over the years. I don’t intend to bash him.

My only experience with Steve is when he would come and speak to the worldwide MVP Summit. He appears to be very much at home with an audience of 3,000 techies drilling him with questions. He would stand up on stage, take questions from the audience, give his answers (all without any notes or teleprompters), and quite often, jot down notes on comments he received.

He truly was larger than life on that stage. He would move all around, rarely sitting. You could feel his passion for Microsoft.

Here is a photo I took at the 2009 MVP Summit when one of the MVP’s gave him a “Windows Home Server (WHS)” sticker:


It’s a dawning of a new era for Microsoft. I wish Steve well.

63 Free Microsoft eBooks!

Eric LigmanJust in time for summer … Eric Ligman, Microsoft Sales Excellence Manager, is making available 63 (count ‘em) Microsoft eBooks absolutely free – no strings, no time bombs, no tricks.

These eBooks cover a wide gamut: from Office 365 to Windows Azure, from Windows Server to Visual Studio., from SharePoint to Web Development to programming Windows 8  apps.

Click here to view and select e-Books for downloading!

Eric said that last year, when he made a similar offer, over 1 million eBooks were downloaded.


KWSupport in Tampa Tribune

Tribune ArticleAn article on KW Support & Consulting LLC was published in the Brandon edition of The Tampa Tribune on Wednesday January 16th, 2013.


Take an extra hour to sleep or work this weekend!

Sunday November 4th, 2012, 2:00am marks the end of Daylight Saving Time for most of the United States and Canada. So be sure to change your clocks before you go to bed!

You can’t remember if you lose or gain an hour? I find repeating the following phrase helpful: “Spring forward, Fall back” — or is it “Fall back, Spring ahead”???

Selected to SMB Top 150 for 2010

clip_image001What a surprise I had tonight when I discovered that I had been selected by my peers from around the world to the inaugural “Top 150” list of influential people by SMBNation magazine.  This is a company that serves the Small & Medium Business (SMB) marketplace worldwide through conferences and workshops they conduct and various printed and online publications. I have spoken at several of their conferences in past years.

I thought I would share my surprise and joy with all of you – my customers, business partners, family and friends. Attached is a PDF file with an excerpt from the magazine with the full list of the 150 people who were selected.