Google recently announced that they will discontinue support for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) for its online apps and services by mid-November 2012. This decision is based on Google’s policy to only support the most recent version of a browser, and it’s immediate predecessor.
IE9 is currently available for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 2008 servers). IE10 is scheduled to be released in late OcTober.
This announcement by Google specifically impacts Windows XP users, as Windows XP does not and will not support IE9. This means that XP users may experience some loss of features when using things like Google Apps.
Please note that you can continue to use Google as your search engine with IE8 on your XP workstation. That is not being affected. Only online services such as Google Apps are impacted.
- The easiest (and less expensive) solution is to install the latest version of Google Chrome browser on your XP workstation, and use it for accessing Google Apps, and use IE8 for all your other web browsing needs.
- If you are already running Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you can do a free, in-place upgrade from IE8 to IE9. Here are the links:
Download IE9 for Windows 7
Download IE9 for Windows Vista - Or, you can use this time to start thinking about replacing that old XP workstation with a newer Windows 7 system.
If you have questions, please contact me.