Archive for ShadowProtect

How to boot from a ShadowProtect USB key on Win 8.1

I rely on StorageCraft’s ShadowProtect (IT Edition) for creating a full disk image backup of a workstation prior to replacing the hard drive. I’ve used it literally for years.

I was setting up a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro with Win 8.1 for a customer, and wanted to make a disk image of the laptop before proceeding. I use a bootable USB stick with ShadowProtect on it. But I was unable to boot from the USB stick on this new laptop.

The solution was simple, after contacting StorageCraft

In order to boot the ISO on the 8.1 machine you need to change the boot options on the system to Legacy instead of UEFI. Once that is done the ISO should boot with no problems.


Storagecraft offer due to Hurricane Sandy

Storagecraft is the maker of the popular backup software for servers and workstations, ShadowProtect.

Due to the events caused by Hurricane Sandy, StorageCraft is offering a free three day use of their ShadowProtect IT Edition software to people in areas affected by the storm.

Read more here:


The IT Edition allows you to backup and restore an entire server or workstation without installing any software on the computers. I have relied on the IT Edition of ShadowProtect for years, and is one of my primary “go-to” I.T. solutions in my tool bag!

WHS System Drive Freezing Up

I have a Windows Home Server (WHS) unit installed at nearly every onee of my customers. I’ve also installed Windows Storage Server Essentials 2011 (WSSE) at two larger sites. The WHS units are working wonderfully, but as they get older, the chances of a drive failure increases.

I had a customer earlier this week whose WHS unit kept freezing up every day.


I checked memory and it was OK. I then ran chkdsk on each of the three installed drives. Turns out that the Data partition on the first (system) drive was the culprit.

To resolve the issue I followed the excellent steps to Successfully Clone and Upgrade a WHS System Drive from Alex Kuretz. I used Storagecraft’s ShadowProtect IT Edition to make an exact duplicate of the drive.