Archive for WordPress

WordPress 4.2 EasyWPGuide for Free!

imageI don’t do a lot of website development for clients, but when I do, I use WordPress.

For several years now, I will provide my clients with a PDF copy of EasyWPGuide, which is available for free! There is also an online version.

The manuals were recently updated to reflect the changes in WordPress 4.2.

Anthony Hortin, the author, writes:

“I created the Easy WP Guide for WordPress consultants to give to clients as a form of training. I know it’s not always possible to physically go to a clients location to provide them hands-on training. Instead, give them a copy of my popular WordPress manual and in simple, easy to read language, you can teach your clients how to use their new WordPress website.”

Windows Live Writer 2012 for WordPress

I recently replaced my 8 year old workstation with a new Windows 8.1 system with an SSD drive. One of the  software apps I use all the time is Windows Live Writer 2012 to post blogs to my website.

Thanks to Scott Hanselman for his post on where to download Live Writer 2012. I was glad to see that someone else also loves using Live Writer!

Here are the steps to installing it on your workstation:

  • Download the software from this link:
  • Select the option to “Choose the programs you want to install”
  • Make sure that Writer is the only program checked
  • Select the blog service you use (WordPress, in my case) 
  • Enter your login and password for your blog site

Happy blogging!

Ongoing WordPress Security Attacks

This is for anyone who creates or maintain WordPress sites. It comes from one of the WordPress 3rd party theme developers (iThemes) that I regularly use, and I thought I would share it. Original post dated April 15, 2013:

“Ongoing WordPress Security Attacks, The Details and Solutions:
There is a very real, very large ongoing attack against WordPress sites. It has been going on for a while now, but it severely escalated last week…”
